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A brief musichaos calculation of the 20th century, a poem by Luis Henrique Garcia Ferreira*

A brief musichaos calculation of the 20th century, by Luis Henrique Garcia Ferreira*

Wagner ÷ for the Sancte Trinitatis of Vienna

Dada in atonalism

12 X Schoenberg

= Dodecaphonism

Noises + Pierre Schaeffer - Schoenberg

= Musique concrète

Sinusoidal sound + Stockhausen integrale Serialismus - Pierre Schaeffer

= Musik elektroakustische

(Noises + Sinusoidal sound + Ulysses + Voice) X Luciano Berio

Results in Omaggio a Joyce

(Noises + Sinusoidal sound + Finnegans Wake + Buddhism + Mushroom - Schoenberg) Un coup de dés

Chance is Cage

Old Music + Old Ear

It's the same thing

Old Music + New Ear

It's too little

New Music + Old Ear

It's noise

New Music + New Earwicker


*Researcher of modernist literature, the Irish writer James Joyce being the subject of this research. He has a degree in Social Communication/Journalism and another one in History. Today, he is studying for a master's degree in Theory and Literary History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) under the guidance of Professor PhD Fabio Ackcelrud Durão and also master's degree in Literary Studies at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) with the guidance of Professor PhD Caetano Waldrigues Galindo.



Pentahexagrama para John Cage, Augusto de Campos (1977)

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